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Support for gas-powered and electric golf carts, sometimes referred to as golf cars or club cars after the Club Car Golf Cart brand.

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Put rear drum on and brakes are too tight

I have a 2003 ez go electric cart. I had to put a new rear hub on the axle. It was very difficult to get it on. When I went for a test drive afterward, it feels as if the brake is engaged. Can I adjust this without removing the hub again?

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Gerald, you may be able to adjust the brakes with out removing drum, raise and support cart securely, look on back of hub area for rubber boot that covers a adjusting screw/stud on the top, back side of the wheel.

Check the attached link,instruction and guide on golf cart brake adjustment, Good luck.

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I don't think so. Easiest way to check is jack up the rear and try to spin the tires to see what side is hanging up. I'm pretty sure the only way to loosen it is take the hub back off.

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