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Model A1237 or A1304 / 1.6, 1.8, 1.86, or 2.13 GHz Core 2 Duo processor

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What SSD should I get for my mid 2009 MacBook air(1304)?


I ran into a problem once again I am looking for a SSD replacement for my old MacBook air I think I'm supposed to get the LIF version SSD but I am not 100% sure about that. Also isn't there like SATA cable for this version of MacBook that I could buy?

Thank you :)

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Your Air uses a 1.8" PATA (40-pin ZIF connector) drive which do to its age has limited availability of drives that will work. Here is one of the few places I know which has them: OWC - MacBook Air 13" Late 2008 - 2009 SSD Upgrades

Here is the IFIXIT guide to put it in: MacBook Air Models A1237 and A1304 Hard Drive Replacement

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I see, are there any other options? Do you think this won't work?



It has the correct interface so it should work. Just be careful as there are a few sellers which sell used drives as new. So make sure you use a credit card which has defective product insurance and they make it clear you can return it.

Frankly, I think you'll want something larger, some where around 256 GB


You are right, I should probably consider something larger. Anyways thank you for your advices. :)


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