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Apple Watch Series 2, announced September 7th, 2016 and released September 16 2016.

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Watch 2 Ceramic case not aligned with face

Have you seen something similar with other series 2 models? There's a YouTube post where someone else noticed their ceramic case is also misaligned.

My new Edition watch came with the face misaligned from the case. There is a noticeable edge in the transition between glass face and ceramic case. Totally unacceptable and obviously a defect. I'm really surprised that this passed the quality inspection.

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Since you say that it is new, I suggest that you check the purchase date then consult the documentation that came with the watch to verify that the warranty period is still valid and as to what you have to do to make a claim for a warranty replacement or repair.

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Since it's only been out 2 weeks, its under warranty.


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This is not a warranty issue. They all seem to be like this. Question is, why?

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HI, Contact Apple and see what they have to say about it. If people (and somebody has to start) don't tell them that there is a problem then they think that everything is alright.


Yes, agreed, thanks.


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