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Repair information for the iMac G4.

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Any known recent repair guides for iMac G4 1.25ghz 17"?

Hello All,

I am just about to do a RAM and Hard Drive upgrade on my iMac G4 1.25ghz 17" and am wondering if anyone has information on available repair guides. I see that an iFixit guide for that model is still in progress (fantastic!). the only guide that I could find is this one:


Also, as I do the upgrade, I'd be happy to supply information and photos to iFixit, if that would be a help.



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Hi guys, could someone send me a copy of repair guide?

email is: gr8folpear@att.net

My husband has an old G4 in a closet I would love to upgrade for him!



Just sent it! Good Luck.



Hi, could someone send me the same repair guide? cave223(at)gmail(dot)com


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That's an excellent guide. I did a quick check of ifixit's guides page and it appears you have a clear field to create a guide for this machine. Check the how to page and good luck. + for the attempt.


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+ I have a 700 MHz & 1 Ghz 17" G4 iMac and can work with you if your interested. Click on y icon for my email address.


Thanks for the help! I will check with you as I progress.



Thanks for the link on the "how to write a repair guide" information. I'll get set up for the photos and begin the work sometime early this week. I would like to go for writing the guide, using the accepted format. Looking forward to it.



I finished my first guide for this machine tonight. Would someone mind taking a look at it and give me a critique? I have others to follow.

My guide has at least one inadvertent photographic omission that I've noticed, but I think the text is clear enough to do without it. I'd love your feedback. Especially since this is my first attempt.



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Here's a guide I wrote on changing the battery in it: iMac G4 17 800 MHz EMC 1936 Battery Replacement

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I've got the official technical repair guide "iMac_flatpanel_usb_2.0" for this device as a .pdf file.

I can send it to you (5.3 Mb) if you provide me with your email address.

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Sending it.


Got it, thanks.


could I get a copy of that file as well? My email address: randy3833@yahoo.com




No worries.

It's sent.

Have fun :o)


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