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The HTC EVO is a Smartphone by HTC powered by a 1-GHz Snapdragon processor and runs the Android operating system.

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Tool used to remove the logicboard and where to buy extra screws?

Is the logic board glued to the digitizer? Is that why you have to use the special tool to remove it? Also where can you buy extra screws that hold the evo together. Does anyone know what size the screws are? Length?

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Check out the teardown - HTC Evo 4G Teardown You'll see that the logic board is only attached by a ribbon cable to the digitizer. What you need the Torx screwdriver for is unscrewing the red rear casing from the logic board. The teardown says that the screws are T5 Torx screws.

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you can find all kind of fasterners at mcmaster car's website. Any time i need some weird type, they have it.

also look at your local harbor freight store, they have a cheap security bit set

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