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Model A1237 or A1304 / 1.6, 1.8, 1.86, or 2.13 GHz Core 2 Duo processor

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Is my MacBook air graphic card damaged?


When I update my macbook air 13,3 from 2009 (1.6 dualcore - 80GB hard drive) to the latest update that allows me to install Lion, it freezes and shows me this.


Then I have to reboot.

Could this be related to the graphic card, or the disc is damaged?

Really looking forward to receiving your help!

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Hi Reece,

Thank you for your feedback. Well but this is quite strange as the laptop seems to work with the 1st version of snow leopard and then simply crash.

It can't be related to the hard drive correct?


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Yes looks like a GPU issue unfortunately. The 2008 and 2009 Macbook Airs have a lot of issues with the GPU and RAM, so I would recommend just selling it on eBay for parts. Someone can reflow the GPU (temporary fix) or replace the GPU (will be replaced with a 2nd hand GPU), but I guarantee it will happen again, or the RAM will then fail :(

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