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Samsung's 5th-generation Android-based Galaxy smartphone was released April 11, 2014. Improvements to the phone include a fingerprint scanner, updated camera, larger display, and water resistance. It is available in four different colors; black, blue, white, and copper.

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phone was exposed to sunlight

My Galaxy S5 was exposed to sunlight and now its screen has gone black, while the phone is still working. I can hear the touch sounds but the screen is black.

sometimes the screen turns on when I keep pressing the power button again and again and it works fine until i relock it. After relocking it goes black again.

Can someone help me fix this?

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Sunlight will not affect the problem unless you live in extremely hot temperatures. It must be something else. Do live somewhere humid? Humidity can affect it.


if its not sunlight. Then what is it?

Is it a software problem or a hardware?


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sounds like a faulty LCD, you need a new LCD.

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