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A 10.1 inch Samsung tablet computer with a 1.4 GHz processor, 1280x800 pixel LCD, and 149 ppi multi-touch display. The model number of the device is GT-N8013ZW. Released August 2012, repair of this device is straightforward.

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How to physically disable wifi on the Galaxy Note 10.1 GT-N8013 (2012)

I've read through the forum and it looks like most answers to disabling wifi default to the settings on the device. That is not an option for me.

No wifi/3gish devices are permitted in my work space, so I need to PHYSICALLY disable the wifi in my note 10.1 N8013 (2012).

I have it apart but the wifi/bt module is not clearly labeled.

All input is appreciated. Thanks!

Update: Jayeff's answer moved me one step closer: On this diagram somewhere is the wifi circuitry. Can anyone point out exactly which I need to sever, I believe it is one of the 5 sections of the large 5 section frame?

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Here is a link to the ifixit video guide on how to replace the battery and LCD screen of a Galaxy Note 10.1.

At 11:53 minutes onward (a few seconds anyway) into the video, it shows the WiFi antenna - a metal bar.

I'm wondering if disconnecting this would be good enough for your purposes as it would severely limit the range of the Wifi signal. Not sure how far the range will be then, but anecdotally, people who report that they are having problems using WiFi devices, due to low or no signal (laptop's etc) and also state that they have to virtually "sit" on the WiFi router to get it to work usually find that the antenna is either loose or disconnected. You could always try this first to see if it is sufficient for your purposes.

If this is not sufficient, you could try and trace the antenna connections back to the WiFi IC, which should be nearby (verify by "Googling" the number printed on the IC to see if it is a WiFi IC) and then either find the data sheet for it, to see if you can work out the "enable" lead so that you can disconnect it from the pcb or remove the entire IC from the pcb. The latter is a bit drastic but if that is what is required, then needs must.

Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 Digitizer & Display Replacement

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I'm going to retry this comment:

Hello and thanks for your help.

If you look at the photo (https://d3nevzfk7ii3be.cloudfront.net/ig...) the link is on the other side of the board. I marked to position with the black box.

You can see the connections/wiring in the diagram. Any idea which is the wifi?



Hi @pepbrow

I know I'm old but I cannot see anything near the black box that you marked, I am wondering however that as there is seemingly nothing (no components under the 5 section frame, that is unless it is directly under the middle or the arms of the 5 frame bracket marked 5100 on the board) BUT there are two components under the 2 section frame AND it is also close to the GPS antenna input socket I'm now wondering if you could check the numbers on those two IC type components (as I cannot make it out at all even when trying to magnify it) and see if the come up as a GPS module and a WiFi module - hopefully.


Hi Jayeff,

The connection is on the other side of the board. I put the black box there to mark where the antenna connection is on the reverse side of the board.

I'm pretty sure that, while wifi and BT are on the same chip/circuit, GPS is separate.

This is the diagram of that part of the board: https://d3nevzfk7ii3be.cloudfront.net/ig...

I still haven't figure which is wifi/bt...

I have the service manual, but I can't post a document. Just in case you are wondering, I am not a tech:-), so I appreciate your help.


Jayeff, looks like it's U202, which is at the opposite end of the board https://d3nevzfk7ii3be.cloudfront.net/ig...


I plan to cut the connection showing the red line in the bottom left corner. Does that look right (I should lose wlan and BT)?



Hi ,

At a quick glance it looks about right. Cut it (use a razor cutting blade as the tracks are only thin) in such a way that if you are wrong that you can "bridge" it with a soldered strap back again. Also you could try just cutting the power input lead to the IC and see if that works if the antenna "cut" doesn't work.

BTW if this solves it for you - Well Done! You did all the heavy lifting on this one.


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jayeff thank you for your advice!

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Hi @gilbertmcdougal

Glad it helped (whatever it was)


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