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Announced in March 2015 and released April 10, 2015, the Galaxy S6 Edge is the curved-screen version of Samsung's newest flagship smartphone.

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My galaxy 6 Edge is not powering

My Samsung galaxy 6 edge was working last night before i slept but in the morning when i wake up its not working when i connect chagrin too it's doesn't charge please any help

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Try holding power and home button for 8-15 seconds. Try turning it on again after that.

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@cata3g start by replacing the battery. See if you can start it in safe mode:

With the device powered off, press and hold the Power button until the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge + logo appears then release.

With the Samsung Galaxy S6 logo on the screen, press and hold the Volume Down button.

Continue to hold the Volume Down button until Safe mode appears in the lower left of the screen then release. This may take up to 45 seconds.

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Nana ken будет вечно благодарен.
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