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The Mac mini family was first introduced in January of 2005.

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Can I use a 85w psu on a mini that uses 110?

I got a free 2009 mac mini and it needs 110w 18.5v and 6A. I have a psu from a g4 that has 85w 18.5v and 4.6A. Now im aware thats not the same so dont tell me that. My question is that i have no clue if it works and i dont want to buy a psu for it to find out that it doesnt work. So can i use the one for the g4 to test it? I figure as long as it doesnt work to hard it wont be a problem. If its not even possible is there a way i could power it using an old laptop power adapter or an old computer psu?

Thanks to anyone who can give me useful information!

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@cam2363 yes you can use it for testing purposes. You would not want to use it for everyday use since it (the PSU) could get to hot when the Mac Mini starts to pull more amperage from your supply.

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Thanks. Can you point me to a place with cheap psus or is ebay the best option?


As long as you stay aware from cheap after market once you should be okay wherever you get it. I prefer places like powerbook medic and even welovemacs etc.


@oldturkey03 You said it would just get hot. Could i damage the mini or the psu in anyway?


@cam2363 not the Mac Mini but the PSU. Your Mac Min has a idle power consumtion of 14W and a max power consumption of 110W so the Mini will try to pull that power from the PSU which can create a thermal overload inside your PSU. Things may start to get pretty hot and will eventually lead to failure.


@oldturkey03 Ok. I just wanted to check so if i could about it, not have to buy a new psu for it.


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If they have the same pins and port it should be fine.

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Ok, ill test it. I assumed it would work but if someone here knew otherwise.


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