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Location of fuel filter?

Honda fuel filter fix.

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Yall ive been trying for 3 yrs to locate it n haven't found it yet but really haven't looked i shouldn't b having to replace my pump every 6 months to a yr but i have replaced fuel pump relay erg valve all 6 spark plugs n coil packs n i the problem im having is bout every 6 months to a yr it starts giving me problems like the engine isn't getting enough gas to the engine its like when the car runs for a couple of hrs or gets to normal temperature thats when it starts acting up n sometimes want crank even but if u let it sit n cool it will crank right up like theres no problem theres got to b a filter somewhere instead of just that strainer they calling a filter cuz im sick n tired of replacing the pump i have a 2000 honda accord 3.0L 6 cylinder r yall having the same issues


Does anyone know we're my fuel filter is in a 1999 HONDA ACCORD I'VE BEEN ON IT FOR 8 HOURS AND CANT FIND IT IN MY CAR PLZ CAN SOMEONE HELP ME


Man I’ve been trying to find mine for a week now and still can’t find it I’m just buying a new pump


Yall ive been trying for 3 yrs to locate it n haven't found it yet but really haven't looked i shouldn't b having to replace my pump every 6 months to a yr but i have replaced fuel pump relay erg valve all 6 spark plugs n coil packs n i the problem im having is bout every 6 months to a yr it starts giving me problems like the engine isn't getting enough gas to the engine its like when the car runs for a couple of hrs or gets to normal temperature thats when it starts acting up n sometimes want crank even but if u let it sit n cool it will crank right up like theres no problem theres got to b a filter somewhere instead of just that strainer they calling a filter cuz im sick n tired of replacing the pump i have a 2000 honda accord 3.0L 6 cylinder r yall having the same issues


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Ответов (4)

Выбранное решение

@lo4143uis, Louis, No filter in 1998-2002 Accord in North America, the strainer/sock is in the fuel tank which is not normally replaced attached to the electric fuel pump. the image below shows it attached on the end of fuel pump(yellowy/gold color) Good luck. I hope this helped you out, if so let me know by pressing the helpful button.

Block Image

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Оценка 11

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Yip I looked it up and from what I read it was a part thats not serviceable. I believe this fella did a good job providing this information for you.


I went to O'Reilly's auto parts today and they didn't have the fuel filter in stock and they told me that I may have to go to Honda dealership. They also printed up an image of where the fuel filter is located. Actually it showed that it had two filters. I wish I could take a picture of that printed image showing this info and I hope they had the correct info of the year,make,and model of my car which is a 2000 Honda Accord 4 cyl.


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Hi @Mary Stone,

Here a composite image from the Accord 1998-2002 CF8 CG3 CG5 CG6 with J30A USDM Factory Service Manual showing the location of the fuel filter.

The image on the left (p.11-88) is from the V6 Supplement Fuel and Emissions section whilst the middle (p.11-123) and right (p.124) images are from the 2/4 Dr Fuel and Emissions section.

The V6 supplement section dealing with the fuel etc only goes to p.106 yet it says in the diagram on p.11-88 to go to p.123 which is in the 2/4 Dr section, so I assumed that the filter would be in the same location for both.

Block Image

(click on image to enlarge for better viewing)

Hopefully this is of some help.

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Would anyone know where it is on a 3L V6 (CG1), please


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If you having issue with getting fuel the filter and pump is 1 assembly. Lots of cars are doing this to save on space. Screws the owner for sure. But it needs the filter before the pump and pump is in the tank. If your pump was replaced and was dirt in the tank they meaning shop or service person needs to completely drain and suck the tank dry to remove any problems.

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I do all the work to my car so imma have to drop the tank n clean it


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Have you bought the new filter. Some cars just don't have one. Most cars do and are between the fuel tank and the engine. Some are behind the tank depending on room. They are most times covered by a plate and or cover and bolted to the frame. So under the car.. Some are in the engine compartment and easy to find once you follow the fuel line.

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