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iPad Air Wi-Fi + Cellular, model no. A1475. Available in Space Gray or Silver, with 16/32/64/128 GB configurations.

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Is this worth fixing?

I have a iPad Air (A1475) it has the cellular option.

My unit has 3 problems, my home button appears to work yet seems sunken in, the screen has one spot not cracked but there is a bit of a dark discoloration under it about the size of a pencil eraser, and lastly my battery is completely wonky, I plug it in let it charge to 100% it drops within 20 mins use to almost zero, I replug it in at say 15% and it jumps to 70% type thing.

https://ibb.co/dgjzYv is a pic of the spot on my screen if it helps.

I considered coming here buying the new home button, battery and I don't know if I need a digitizer screen or a new lcd screen?

Is it worth fixing? Even though I do have some experience taking stuff apart replaced a few iPhone batteries, fixed ps3/wii, wire up guitar electronics, so in general I am not afraid to do the work the thing is wonky anyway's, just trying to decide if it's worth fixing and based on my screen and that one spot is it most likely the digitizer or will I need a new LCD?

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Honestly, its up to you.

Price it out and if it seems to be more then or right around the cost of a new ipad just get a new one as it might be better and more cost effective.

I calculated it to be around $200 and for a 4 year old ipad that might be a bit much considering a new ipad with cellular costs about $600

Its up to you but if you have the money i suggest getting a new one as $200 for an old ipad is a bit much and you risk damaging something in the process.

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