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Repair guides and support for phones manufactured by Lenovo.

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Can total dead lenovo s820 be fixed?

My lenovo s820 won't turn on at all. It is in completely dead. Can it be fixed?

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Выбранное решение

@gendut there is always a chance to get it resurrected. First, you do want to make sure that you have a new battery. Do not try to use the one you have, but make sure it is new and charged. Install it and then evaluate. Should your phone still not reacting follow the flowchart from Lenovo for the "No Power" option.

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Check the battery connection and components

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Here are the schematics for your phone Lenovo S820

Let us know what you find.

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My phone at charging is vibrating to switch on and giving just flashes but it just can't switching on :(


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