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Washed my iPod 4th generation

I left my ipod nano in my pants and it went though the washer and dryer when I got it out of the dryer I plugged it in to the computer and it just beeped and wont turn on any ideas of how to fix it?

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You plugged it in while it was full of water and it won't work? hummm

Go here: How do I fix my iPod nano after I washing machined it?

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There's an eHow page that recommends you soak your iPod in alcohol which will dry out the unit faster. They recommend for all electronics. Anyone heard of that? I washed my iPod too and want to save it, but the alcohol treatment sounds severe. Maybe I'm supposed to drink the alcohol after my iPod has crashed for good.

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Electronics Water Damage should tell you a bit more. Nothing severe about that and a common practice.


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I dont know. I mistakenly washed my ipod in the washer and dryer. But mine came on perfectly and is still working with no problems.

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