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What hard drive can I upgrade to?

Hi, I've recently got back out my old macbook pro from mid 2009, unibody 2.53 ghz, and the hard drive is dead on it. I've tried everything to fix it and it's dead. I'm wanting to get a new hard drive, I know mine is a sata 2.5" 5400 rpm, are there any specs I need to know what to look for before I buy a new one?

Also, I've seen some online that has the contacts in the area where it'd be hooked up to a power supply, if I get one with those contacts there, is that okay? I know that the cord in the computer doesn't hook up to that spot, but I'm unsure if I need a hard drive that doesn't have those contacts.

I'm basically wondering if any sata 2.5" 5400 rpm will work or if my macbook takes a specific one?

Thanks for any replies

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No just about any

2.5" (9.5 mm) Storage Interface: Serial ATA (3 Gb/s)

will work. On the newer drives make sure they are backward compatible to SATA II.

I'd go with an SSHD drive as it will give you a perceived speed increase of about 50%.

This one will work, or any in the hard drive replacement guide here:

[связанный продукт отсутствует или отключен: IF107-098]

MacBook Pro 15" Unibody 2.53 GHz Mid 2009 Hard Drive Replacement

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@mayer - The IFIXIT has listed 2.5" Seagate FireCuda is a fixed SATA III drive. It won't work in the MacBook Pro which supports SATA II only. They will need to find the older version which has auto sense technology.


@danj that's debatable, I've been using them.


@mayer - They will need to check the System report to see what their system is. It might be a SATA III (6.0 Gb/s) system.

As an example:

- Link Speed - 6 Gigabit

- Negotiated Link Speed: - 6 Gigabit

Then they are OK, if it's only a SATA II (3.0 Gb/s) in the Link Speed line they will need a different drive.


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