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LG's flagship smartphone, with a unique slide-out battery and detachable I/O module supporting multiple hardware expansion options. Released in April 2016.

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Why is my new screen unresponsive

I smashed my screen beyond use so I bought a new screen and digitizer and replaced the whole thing. But even though everything appears to be connected and functional I cannot get the screen to display picture or respond to touch. Is it just a bad purchase or something else. I've tried all hard resets I know of. Nothing. And no I can't put the old screen back on to test. It's dead. Please help.

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Dear Anna, I have had 2 similar issues in the past and the first one was a ribbon connecting cable that was possibly dirty. I disassembled the device, cleaned the ribbon cable with isopropyl-alcohol left it to dry, reassembled and boom! it worked.

The second time got in the same situation, tried my usual trick but it never worked. Sent back the display assembly to my supplier who confirmed that it was the actual display assembly at fault. Sent me a new one and it worked instantly.

Worst case scenario would be the display chip though unusual.

I would suggest that you begin with cleaning the display ribbon and see what happens. Good luck!

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