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The third generation of the Samsung Galaxy Note phablet series released September 25, 2013. Identifiable by the model number N9005.

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How Can I Retrieve Pictures?

My charge port is damaged. I cannot hook the phone up to a charger or computer. I put a battery in the phone so I could view the pictures but how can I retrieve the pictures from the phone?

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@Mangham Changing the charge port is easy on the note 3 use this guide Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Motherboard Replacement except do not take the motherboard out and remove the charge port at the bottom. before you order a charge port do look at the model number that is printed on the charge port or at the battery cradle. example SM-N900V or SM-N9005. once you replace the you will have a working phone again. I know you can do it. if you have any questions feel free to reach out.

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Alternative solutions:

1. Insert an SD card to your note 3 and back up pictures (and/or other files) to SD card, and then move the pictures to elsewhere.

2. If you can install apps on your phone, then choose a reliable backup app which can store backups to cloud.

3. Install Side Sync both on your PC and phone(via Play Store or APK file in SD card), and try to connect the two device with Side Sync via WiFi. Then back up pictures to PC. http://www.samsung.com/us/sidesync/

4. Repair the charge port.

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