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Обновленная версия iPhone 3G с более высокой скоростью обработки. Ремонт этого устройства схож с iPhone 3G, и требует простых отверток и инструментов для вскрытия. Модель A1303; 16 или 32 ГБ памяти; с Черной или Белой задней пластиковой крышкой.

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It doesnt turn on, or do anything after fall...

i had My girlfriends iphone on my pocket and i fall having it in my pocket...the iphone seemed like nothing happened, no scratches, no broken screen, no nothing...but i didnt turned on nor wanted to receive any charge. Currently is with some technicians but the dont find what it has. They told me that everything inside seemed perfectly normal, that they tested the screen and the touch and it worked, and they also tested with a new power supply and it didnt turned on neither. the iphone is supposed to be in warranty but where she lives is a little warm place, the dock sensor was a little pink. So I was wandering what could be the problem or if i can change the sensor? ( because all sensors even the ones inside and the headphones sensors where white). I Hope that you guys can help me...my girlfriend really needs her iphone cuz she used it as a modem.

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My iphone 3gs has done the exact same thing, will not power on, light up or anything after being dropped from about 2 feet. I had it in a otter case. There must be a common problem for these phones to do this with no apparent physical damage.

I someone has had a similar problem, please post.

I think I am going to buy a different brand next time!!!

Later, Dave


Is it recognized in itunes when plugged into the computer?

When you switch the vibrate switch back and forth, does it vibrate?


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Did your "technicians" just swap parts over to test screens etc? I think they need to test the dock connector or swap your board into a known working phone. Battery prongs can get flattened in drop, easy fix. Checking with magnifier can help but not always

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Look at the logic board under a magnifying glass for any marks. Also try doing a hard reset. (Hold Power + Home Button) Does the computer recognize that the iPhone is plugged in?

Also, take it to a real repair shop. What people can't figure out what's wrong and they are suppose to get paid for it. Sad.

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I think Im going to trash it and just go back to my old flip sony phone.

It's a rock, fits in my pocket and I will save about 50 bucks a month.

Thanks for answering.


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No problem.

If you are really going to trash it you should give it to me.


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