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4-дюймовый iPhone выпущенный в марте 2016 года на той же самой платформе, что и 6s. Доступен в серебристом, сером, золотом и розовом цветах с 16/64 Гб памяти. Модели A1662 и A1723.

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Water damaged problem can soak with alcohol or not?

just wonder my phone is damaged due drop in a pool,if i wanna use alcohol to clean the motherboard,how long its take to soak in alcohol?

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Выбранное решение
  • Open your phone and remove the logic board (follow this guide)
  • Inspect the logic board, especially around the connectors and look for corrosion.
  • Inspect both sides of the board. Unfortunately, most of the board is covered in shields. That's usually where the damage is occurring.
  • Put your board in a container with >90% isopropyl alcohol and let it sit for a while (5-10 minutes).
  • Use a soft brush, like a toothbrush and lightly brush away any corrosion you see.
  • Rinse in alcohol and repeat.
  • Let it air dry for a day.
  • Re-assemble and hope for the best.

You should also replace the battery if it has swollen. Resist the temptation to pop it to let the gas out. A compromised Li-ion battery is a fire hazard. If the device appears to power up but behaves erratically, then use a tool like 3uTools to flash the firmware as it may be corrupted.

A professional repair shop that does water damage repair may be able to recover your phone or the data because they have access to pro-level ultrasonic baths and specialized cleaners as well as the skills to troubleshoot your board. Many shops have a no fix/no fee policy so you don't have to spend money to find out if the phone is fixable or not.

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I have watched a few videos and about to try to see if I can resurrect an iPhone 6 that was dropped in water nearly 3 years ago…the phones in mint condition lol other than the fact it doesn't work

I shall report back with the results…Kris SK

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I don't recommend you to use alcohol I would recommend you to use rice.

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Rice actually promotes evaporation and does not get rid of the deposits nor does it stop the corrosion..rice is great if your going to claim insurance but if your doing a real repair to a 500 dollar plus phone and you don’t have either; the suggested guide is proper to follow.


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