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The Google Pixel is Google's first flagship phone, released on October 20, 2016. The 5-inch AMOLED display device comes with 32 and 128 GB storage options and is available in three colors; Very Silver, Quite Black, and Really Blue.

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Is it necessary to replace my Pixel motherboard? Please help!


I was facing the issue of Pixel not charging occasionally. I gave it to the service center as it was under warranty. The service personnel says that he can see some small rust bits on board (refer images below) and thinks water has damaged the part so the motherboard needs to be replaced and it will cost ~ $460. I was not facing any other issues other than occasionally not charging.

Here are the photos https://goo.gl/qCEHJP

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Do you recommend I go ahead and change the motherboard? or daughterboard? Please help!!

Thank you.

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Yup, those are signs of liquid damage on the logic board. The white marks showing corrosion.

Though it may be worth a try cleaning up the motherboard with 99% isopropyl alcohol brushing first then try another daughter board.

What I'm more worried about are the ribbon cable connector and cable ends for corrosion on pins.

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