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Model A1419 / EMC 3070 / Mid 2017 / 3.4, 3.5 or 3.8 GHz Core i5 or 4.2 GHz Core i7 Kaby Lake Processor (ID iMac18,3) / Retina 5K display. Refer to the older iMac Intel 27" Retina 5K Display (Late 2014 & 2015) guides as the system is very similar.

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Where can I buy a new Logical Board?

I was upgrade the CPU of my new iMac from i5 to i7-7700K and I damaged the Logical Board, so now I need to buy a new one.

Here in Brazil is very expensive to buy from Apple, I'll be on USA this month November, 2017 and I'd like to buy the board there, but I won't be able to bring my iMac with me to USA and I need to know where can I find this specific board to buy.

If someone could help me, I would appreciate it if someone could help me.

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Sadly, this is such a new system you may have a hard time getting one in your window of being here. This is the only source I know of that even lists them:

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Hi Dan,

Thanks for your help, I've just called there and they told me that they don't have yet.


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@rchiste like everybody else already mentioned, this model is to new to find a new logicboard just yet. I would suggest that you either let us look at the damages by posting some images of it with your question. Use this guide Adding images to an existing question for that. Maybe guru's like @reecee or @tcrs_circuit can help you to either repair it or can suggest how/where to repair it.

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@oldturkey03, here they told me that the problem is on the processor socket, as I mentioned I'll be on the USA at the end of this month, I’m thinking to bring just the logical board and send to someone try to fix it, but I need help to know to whom I should have send.


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Store wise you will be out of luck I don't know any specific stores that sale that brand new motherboard in the US. Your best bet would be Amazon, Ebay maybe even this site I can take a look around and get back to you.

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I’ve already searched on both sites (ebay and amazona), but I think because this model is too new, if you find something please send me.

For a while, I appreciate your help


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