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iPad Air Wi-Fi + Cellular, model no. A1475. Available in Space Gray or Silver, with 16/32/64/128 GB configurations.

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My iPad wont boot, nor can I Restore it

My iPad-Air will not boot. The Apple logo will appear, but after 5-6 seconds it will disappear and the boot procedure ends.

When connecting the iPad to my computer (as it is shut down), i can't see it as a connected device on iTunes, its as if nothing is connected.

I did a DFU Restore. It didn't work, i got an error msg saying "The iPad could not be restored. An unknown error occured (14)"

With all this feedback, any clue on how to fix this situation?

Update (11/07/2017)

Hi, i dont believe its the battery here is a check on it

Block Image

Nor dropped, nor watered, nor repaired, nor its because of the lightning cable (ive changed it), not of the adapter (ive been using Apple's adapter from day one).

Regarding its behaviour, it did shutdown all of a sudden at times, but i noticed in an occasion that this happened when i tried to download a specific file (https://coconut-flavour.com/downloads/co...) from a website. And its funny that i came up to this find because i clicked to download this file by accident because there was nothing -obviously- that i could do with a zip file, anyway im just providing this info incase it helps.

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What happened to the iPad recently; was it repaired, or dropped or came into contact with water?

If you haven't already, I would try an (or another) original Apple Lightning cable to see if it is cable related. If you have been charging your iPad with cheap charging bricks or car adapters, you may have damaged the charging circuit on the logic board. Of course, it could also be just a dead battery. How was the iPad behaving, from a battery perspective before this happened?

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