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Patagonia outerwear that keeps you warm on brisk days and dry on wet days. Repair difficulty ranges from simple tear patching to more complicated baffle repair.

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Hole in Better Sweater jacket

I was at a friend's fire pit and a spark landed on my swing jacket and melted a hold about 2" across. Is there any way to repair it? A patch will look weird since it's only on one side.

Also the edges of the hole are hard (melted) so it would be difficult to sew. Any ideas?

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Here is a link to an answer that I provided before which shows that Patagonia will fix their products for free (at least in Australia and to my knowledge the U.K. as well).

How to fix a hole in my new Patagonia Yulux Wetsuit?

Perhaps you should contact Patagonia in your location and see if they do it there for free as well.

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