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Repair information on hard drives or hard disks. Hard drives are magnetic data storage devices. They are used in most desktop, laptop, and server due to their low cost and high data density.

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My internal hard drive not detected after my pc got hit by lightning


My 320 GB Western Digital internal hard drive not detected after my pc got hit by lightning.

but i can still hear the hdd spinning.

Can anyone atleast help me recover the data from my hard drive. i have some very important data on it.


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Pull the drive and put it into an external enclosure or use a SATA to USB adapter to access it from another computer.

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still not detected


Now it's according to just how deep your pockets are. If I had to have the data, I would buy an identical hard drive and change to boards out.


...for this to work it usually has to be a drive made within the same time frame of the original drive... which makes it difficult to find.


@j0vian I stated that it needed to be an identical drive.


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On a separate machine

Create a ubuntu boot disk UBUNTU

Boot to ubuntu

Click try ubuntu .../ Do not install it will overwrite data /

Put hd in an enclosure

Plug in enclosure to machine running ubuntu

open hd in folder

browse to c:/users/(your user)/ copy my documents,pictures, desktop etc. folders to another external drive

If hd will not show up in ubuntu then you will probably not be able to recover your data locally, You still have the option of paying a data recovery service but this is rather expensive so it is usually not an option.

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Why would Ubuntu give a different result than Windows disk manager?


@captainsnowball Linux puts less stress on the hard drive because it requires less demand to run and it tends to have better results when it comes to recovering data. It is my number #1 go to method for recovering pc data. Also when copying windows data sometimes if a error occurs such as a bad file name it can cancel the whole transfer. Linux either ignores it or allows you to skip and continue the copy process. I actually prefer Linux Mint but Ubuntu is my second choice.


Don’t you have to download NTFS drivers?


nope...at least I never have had to anyways...


Linux will detect mac and pc formatted drives, the problem with mac drives are that if the files are password protected linux will not let you open them because the mac os is built from linux. However when it comes to a pc it dosen't matter if you had a password or not. Linux will read the data. You can run into problems sometimes if the drive was in hibernate mode. Then some linux knowledge becomes necessary. There are tips and tricks to open a hibernated drive as well.


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@ridi like @mayer already stated in one of the comments, the best way to do this is by replacing the HDD controller board. There are numbers on that board that you can use to find a replacement. Post some images of your HDD and the controller board on it so we can see what you see and possibly help you further with that. No enclosure or change in OS is going to repair a failed controller board. The more you mess with this drive the greater the chance of damaging it further.

Use this guide Adding images to an existing question to post your images.

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i'll try to replace the controller board

Thanks for the helpful answers!


@ridi, replacing the board must be exact. The sticker on the front will tell you model and manufacture date. If its a Western Digital the DCM must match as well.


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That most likely fried your HDD and you most likely won’t be able to recover the data. Can a different PC detect the HDD?

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no, it's still not detected on different pc

it was drizzling, i was doing my work and suddenly lightning struck i believe somewhere near my house. then my power supply emit spark and my pc turned off instantly.


Does the hardrive make any abnormal noise?


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