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Rectangular Form Factor / 16 GB capacity / Announced September 12th, 2012

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Touch screen not responding

My Ipod went through the washer and I think dryer. It turns on, charges, syncs with my computer, it will even play a song- just the one that was playing before it went through the wash. the only thing it wont do is respond to touch. Which means it is useless since I cannot get to the menu screen and select anything. Is there a way to fix this screen? I have already reset it through my computer.

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So water damage is tricky. its either damaged your touch control circuit, or your screen. Scrub the board down with 99% isopropyl alcohal, and soak it in deoxit for a few minutes.

if that doesnt work, try a new screen.

if that doesnt fix it, you would need to replace the logic board

This is the iFixit Guide to the Screen replacement. Feel free to follow it.

iPod Nano 7th Generation Display Replacement

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