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Possible force eject button (if all else fails?)

When the lid is removed, there is a black button on the RHS of the superdrive slot with wires coming from the base. Could this be the eject button?

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mayer, I found that terminal drutil tray eject as suggested by a link provided by nicksmacan dpchelp worked, but when I have to take the lid off again I'll try the button to see if it ejects a cd/dvd, and if it does I will let all IFixit users know,

Thanks for your help.


Could you tell us the actual problem your having?


I discovered my original problem was that I had neglected to disconnect the drive from VM Fusion- panic did the rest!


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YES, press it or look for the paperclip size hole to inject a paperclip to eject

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my A1283 mini (intel) doesn't have the paper-clip solution, but I read on another site about a "quick fix" designed to be applied by Apple service techs from "under the lid" and I wonder if this is it?


I have no idea what you've read. please provide a link. did pressing the button not work?


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If the unit is running, refer to this, and try to do one of those things. That will get the disc out when the system is running and put together.

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Good recommendation when the unit is together and running. Looks like this one is opened up.


Just decided to chime in with this


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