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The SKIL 4235 Jigsaw is a handheld power tool capable of cutting thin material such as plywood or plastic in a simple or complex planar design. The tool uses 120V AC input such as a household wall socket, to power a small blade, which can be dangerous if used incorrectly. Please consult the owners' manual for safety reminders.

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Replacement part for holding blade onto saw

Blade attachment collar

My saw no longer holds blades tightly. The "key" just keeps turning in the "collar". The threads on either the key or inside the collar must be worn or damaged. Can I remove and replace the "collar" device? Removal instructions would be helpful.


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@fern_dock69 your saw is a SKIL 4235 Jigsaw?


I also have this problem. Any suggestions for a quick fix?


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Hi @Glenna L Baisden

Here’s a link to the parts for a Skil 4235.

The part number for the blade retainer (part #54 on diagram) is 2610346348.

Search online using the part number only to find suppliers that suit you best.

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