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Wi-Fi only version of Apple's 2nd generation iPad Air. Model A1566.

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How can I repair iPad Air 2 Screen in a cheaper way?

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My ipad has fallen down from the 3ft height table and the next situation is depicted in the picture. It is still working but the screen is highly damaged. It is still under warranty. I was wondering, will it be repaired free by apple or if you have any idea please do share.

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I seldom disagree with Ben but this is an exception. Here is a repair kit at a reasonable price:


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That would be great but you have the wrong model that link is for an ipad 2 not an ipad air 2


Try it again, it's $44.98


Hmm...the caveat here is that the kit is for the digitizer only. That means the user would have to separate the LCD from digitizer on the damaged screen and completely refurbish it with the new digitizer. This is hardly a DIY repair. Currently, the Air 2 replacement screens are hugely expensive, hence Ben's point of it being more effective to go through Apple.


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No, you will be charged $249 from Apple if you want to get the screen replaced there.

If the inside screen display is also cracked just take it to Apple, the price difference of getting it repaired yourself or by a store is negligible.

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