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Nintendo's first 3DS handheld device released February 2011, identified by model number CTR-001.

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Why is my top screen lacking colour? Its basically black and white

My top screen has been normal until I left it on for a while (about two hours) until I got back and I've noticed my top screen not being the same as usual. Tried formatting because I thought maybe its some kind of setting. Tried searching for answered but haven't came across someone with having a lack of colour problem

Does this mean I need to have the screen replaced ?

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Does anything change if you switch the 3D on/off?

Before replacing the screen, try reseating the upper screen ribbon connector by disassembling the console until you get to the main board. The guide is linked here. If it works you're good, otherwise do replace that screen.

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Hey, no it's still the same regardless whether it's on 3D or not. I'll try opening it up and taking your word on it. Thanks :)


Thats solution works?


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salmaan abrahams будет вечно благодарен.
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