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My iPhone 4s screen is glithcing anf flikering but cant see the screen

so at scool i droped my iphone 4s on the screen didnt crack and no visible damage but the screen was white with lines and it was flickering and i couldnt seee the screen. but the touch response worked so i was able to do my pasword but couldnt see a thing. i was able to see that it worked cause the lines moved when i touched something. any idea or fix that i could do that doesnt involve me replacing the screen because i dont know how and it is very complicated.https://youtu.be/5rJW74Mrqq4

this link is a video that shows my iphone yet i didnt show that it responded to touch.

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I can't be certain, but it does sound like the screen could have sustained some sort of damage and would need to be replaced.


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Выбранное решение

If you're lucky you may be able to fix it by reseating the display connector. Changing the screen is quite difficult on the 4S if you haven't done this sort of thing before because the ribbons pass through a narrow slot and are very easy to tear as you try to feed them through - I know - I've done it!

You will need a set of precision screwdrivers. Always press hard to loosen screws so as not to damage the heads - quite easily done. (See https://therestartproject.org/wiki/How_t...)

Follow the guide for rear camera replacement at Замена задней камеры iPhone 4S

You'll need to disconnect the battery but you needn't remove it - it's stuck quite firmly with glue.

Having removed the cable cover plate in step 10, the display data cable is the one to reseat. This is shown in Замена дисплея iPhone 4S step 17. Having lifted it off it needs to be precisely aligned to get it back on. This will take a little patience, but don't worry, it will go back! Don't try to force it or you might damage it. You will feel a positive click when it engages. Make sure both ends are engaged. Make sure the other connectors haven't been dislodged.

If this doesn't fix it then I'm afraid it's going to be a new screen.

iPhone 4S Задняя камера Изображение


Замена задней камеры iPhone 4S



30 minutes - 2 hours

iPhone 4S Дисплей Изображение


Замена дисплея iPhone 4S



1 hour

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I would say it is one of these problems:

1.) The rippon cable for the screen is loose or damaged

2.) The LCD is damaged

Most likely the ribbon cable as if the LCD was broken it would have a blotchy ink look, but I could be wrong. If opening it and examing the cable/reseating it doesn't help then you'll need a new LCD.

To be honest with you if you highly doubtful yourself with the repair the iPhone 4 is pretty cheap to get fixed at most places. I don't want you to break your phone (more).

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