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iPhone 4S will not turn on or charge

I know the 4S is old now but I'd still like to get the phone working as an emergency backup.

I've taken the back off and measured the battery with a multimeter and it measures 0V but I suppose that's not surprising as the phone hasn't been used since it stopped working over a year ago.

With the charger connected I measured the left and right pins of the battery connector in the actual phone and it measured 1.15V, not enough to charge the battery.

My guess is the dock connector is ok or I wouldn't see 1.15V. Does that sound right?

If my guess is true then perhaps it's the logic board that's at fault.

I've measured continuity through L3 and L4 but have not worked out how to get access to L28 to test it.

How am I doing so far, does the above sound right?

Thanks for reading

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Are you able to get apple logo boot looping with battery unplugged at least?

If yes then I recommend trying another battery if the battery has been dead flat for a year or more.

With iPhone 4 or 4s batteries when dead flat for a long time they need to be jump started with a external battery charging fixture because for some reason the iPhone 4's don't support charging completely dead flat batteries, you would end up seeing the battery logo boot looping constantly as a result.

Have you checked if it's just the screen connector cables that have gone loose? It's a common issue for the LCD cable to pop out unplugged for iPhone 4's with replacement screens.

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Hi Ben with a known good charger connected and with the battery out I can't get the Apple boot loop.

LCD cable seems ok.

So although dock connector looks ok it may be worth changing anyway?


Yep, at this point I would try another dock connector assembly. If that still does not work the iPhone is probably not worth repairing at this point.

When trying the other dock connector just plug it into the connector on the board so you can test without fully installing it.

Another thing to note that to test if the screen is faulty or not you can try charging the phone for a while like an hour or two then try plugging the phone into computer and see if it is detected through iTunes.


Hi Ben

Thanks for that, most appreciated. I'm going to do as you say and if it still doesn't work then as you say it's probably not repairing but at least I've given it a go.

Marked as answered :)


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I would be thinking dead battery , the 4s are getting quite old now and common for battery faults, if this was working fine before go down path of checking charge port making sure pins are clean a sharpened tooth pick is good for clearing out dirt from charge port if that does not help change battery.

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Hi Steve

Dock connector is clean.

My concern is if there's only 1.15V getting to the battery then it won't charge.

There's a number of videos on youtube showing iPhone 4's powering up with the batteries taken out and the charger connected. My phone doesn't do that


Still hoping for an answer.

With the battery disconnected I'm only getting 1.15V to charge the battery

Any ideas?



It could just be a defective charging port if it looks dirty / worn out. But always better to try a replacement charging port when it comes to iPhone 4's.


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