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Trouble with new battery installment

I bought a new battery and installed it, but my iPhone 4s screen will not come on; however, it does charge and the charge signal shows. I am not sure what the problem is because just weeks earlier, I conducted the same repair with another iPhone 4s that I had it works just fine. I need to get the most recently repaired phone to work because it is my main phone. Do you think I bought the wrong battery or something else going on?



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What do you mean by charge signal?

Are you getting like the charging sound but no display?

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When I plug the phone into the power cord the only display I get is a white apple in the middle of the black screen. and no sound either. On my other phone when I exchanged batteries, immediately the phone powered up, showed full screen, and charge of battery. Hopefully this makes sense. Thanks


Probably the replacement battery is faulty, I've seen many replacement batteries not work due to the battery being too flat.

You'll probably need to get another replacement battery.

The flat replacement batteries can be fixed by using an external battery charge fixture if they just need to be charged from dead flat. Something like this:



Thank you Ben. I think I will take the battery out of the first phone I fixed and place it in the second one, since I know the first battery works just fine. Then if the newer battery is the issue I can work from there.


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Sounds like a faulty battery or charger. Try a new cable, plug and power point. If still no luck try a new battery. Worst case would be the battery connector on the logicboard may need repair/replacement. Best of luck!

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Thank you. I will trouble shoot as per your suggestion. I never thought about a faulty battery or cable.


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