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Cellular version of Apple's 2nd generation iPad Air. Model A1567.

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iPad sensitivity issues after new screen

After replacing the LCD/digitizer on my iPad Air 2, the touch sensitivity has been really off. While I’m typing, I’ll press any key once and it’ll enter it 1-5 times. While I’m scrolling through websites, it won’t always recognize the speed I’m scrolling and will “click” on random links I’m trying to scroll over.

Note: I don’t have the glass and iPad adhered back together yet. I have all the ribbons and shields in place but the adhesive is still covered. Also, I had to do a DFU mode restore because of the damage done to the screen before the replacement, see Can a new LCD and digitizer fix this?

Any help/advice will be appreciated!

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Either it's a defective screen, the ribbon cables were folded / squished or

(This one is probably not the issue as it's not seated on the iPad yet) that the screen is sit on iPad housing that has dented corners / bent frame stopping it from sitting flush

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If it’s not completely flat, would it cause this issue?


Yes, too much flexing on the glass itself will cause the touch to not work properly and you end up getting the ghost touching effect.


Good to know. I’m thinking I’m gonna go through with a return though. It’s been laying flat and doesn’t take long before it acts too sensitive or not sensitive enough


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