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Announced in August 2017, the Galaxy Note8 is the successor to the recalled Galaxy Note7. The Note8 was made available to the public for purchase in September of 2017.

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Why did half of my screen flicker and show different green and purple

Half of my screen started to change color tints and started to flicker and have tons of lines and turn black. It would go back to normal soon after. I tried resetting my phone to see if it fixes it. I haven't had the phone for more than a month. I haven't dropped it once either.

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Try taking it back to Samsung for warranty, hopefully they don't try to charge you for a screen replacement.

It's a faulty screen which is a common issue since the S7 series phones to Note 8 not sure if the S8 and newer phones have the same issue too.

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I have the same thing with S6?


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