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Ddisplay on my GE profile PDS22SCRBR

Normal readings on Display should be "0" deg freezer and "37" deg refrig.

lately my freezer is all over the place 4 to 24 degrees, never over 32, so I believe the freezer is working, and display is @ fault. Had Refrig for many years, and not doing anything different. Anyone have similar problems??

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Hi @shalomie

Have you tried placing a thermometer in the freezer to read what the temperature actually is, and comparing it to the display temp, just in case the temperature is fluctuating all over the place?

(Allow for a degree or two difference between the thermometer readings as no two thermometers are exactly the same)

It is quite normal for the freezer temp to reach 32 degrees F at least once every 8-12 hours. (depends on manufacturer)

This is part of the auto defrost cycle, where the compressor and the evaporator fan are turned off and the temperature in the freezer is allowed to rise to 32-33 deg.F so that any frost in the freezer melts and drains away. The process is sped up by turning on the defrost heater in the freezer. It usually takes about 20-30 minutes.

After the defrost cycle time has elapsed (set by control board defrost timer)the compressor and the evaporator fan are switched back on and the freezer temp is driven back down to the required temperature. This takes time to achieve of course.

In normal operating mode (not defrost cycle mode) the temperature in the freezer can vary slightly around the 0 deg. mark because cold air “falls” out of the freezer being replaced by warmer air, when the door is opened during normal use.

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Thanks Jayeff for good info, as simple as it is, I never thought to put thermometer in freezer. I will purchase one ASAP.. The rest of info is also appreciated, I am aware of that operation, but it's been day's now where the temp reads way off, and never back to 0., never above 32 yet, seen 27. It's 17 right now.


Not happy, but thermometer did read same as display, Any body have any idea of what could be possibly wrong. Refig fine and freezer still freezing, but not going anywhere near Zero(0) as it use to.


Hi @shalomie ,

You may have to check the temp sensors in the freezer compartment or the temp control board (if it has one)

Here's a list of the parts for a pds22scrbrss (closest that I could find).

It only mentions the fridge temp sensor and the control board - not even a display panel as a separate part, so I don't know if this is even the correct one.


Hi Jayeff,

That's right model #, Display is on the inside on top. Has Freezer adjustment and readout , and same for Refrig. Been setting to "0', but does not stay.

When I went to sleep last night it was reading 22, this morning it was down to 7 .???.


Hi @shalomie ,

Yeah, can see it now in the parts diagram but they're not listed in the itemized parts.

You could try testing the bi-metal defrost thermostat #620 in the cabinet diagram. It should have continuity at 0 deg. F (but you said that you never get down that far). You'd need to test it with an Ohmmeter and the power disconnected.

There is also another defrost bi-metal thermostat at the top of the fridge (part #625) but I suspect that due to its' location it may be more for the fridge than the freezer but you never know.


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Hi again Jayeff,

Sorry for slow response, Problem was condenser coils, slow leak, again rust and corrosion. Looking @ parts suppliers, item no longer available. We had great technician, and he suggested and installed a new set of coils on back of refig, Like was used years ago, or on less expensive units. He installed and charged unit, works like brand new. ( 0 & 37). Cost me $225 plus tip. saved me a $1000.00.

I could never have repaired myself.

Thanks again for all your suggestions and help.


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Hi @shalomie ,

Thanks for the feedback.

Glad you got it sorted OK.



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