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thick black line going down center of tv

why is there a sick black line going down the center of my television

Update (08/16/2018)

55 inch samsung smart tv curved made 2016 model number un55k6250

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Your tv screen maybe fine,but the part your screen connects to on the board maybe bad or going bad, what kind of television is it.


In a few days I could take a picture but honestly I take something apart and it doesn't go back together so I'm not really trying to crack the back of my television open



I totally understand but if you do not take it apart you will also not be able to fix it.



what have you checked on your TV since the last time you were on here?


Honestly i couldn't get the back off but it was because there are no screws there's no way that i could tell to get into it but heres my phone number hit me 13602619187


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  1. Other then the black line the tv is best tv i have ever had

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that could be a t-con board error as well as a panel error and many more things. Let us know what model your TV is and what you have checked. Most likely you will have to remove the back of your TV and make sure that all the wiring is connected and check the boards for any obvious damage. Post some pictures of the complete board layout and each board with your question so that we can see what you see. Adding images to an existing question

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