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Known as the Digital Rebel XTi in North America and EOS Kiss Digital X in Japan, the 400D is a budget Canon DSLR released in 2006.

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Disk Full Error Message

Our camera is still taking great pictures, but it will only take approx 5 pictures before it says the disk is full. We have removed the memory card and replaced it, only for the message to appear again after 5 pictures or so. Any help would be appreciated.

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What capacity is the memory card?

Did you format the card in the camera?

What format are you taking the images in?

If taking them in RAW mode it takes more than 8x the data space for the same image than if you had taken it in medium/normal mode, i.e. approx 10MB/image versus 1.2MB/image

Here’s an image taken from the User Guide (p.166) showing the various modes and their file sizes.

Block Image

(click on image to enlarge for better viewing)

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