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Repair guides and support for Canon's EOS Rebel XSi, also known as the EOS 450D. This is a DSLR camera released in 2008.

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How to fix the lcd display?

The LCD display does not function - it just shows white lines. I see a guide for replacing the LCD, but where do you find the LCD for replacement. The guide shows “no parts needed”.

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Hi @griffoso ,

LCD screens replacements are available online.Just search for Canon EOS Rebel XSi/450D LCD screen part to get results for suppliers.

Here’s a link to just one supplier. It is shown only to give an indication of the price of the part. There may be other suppliers that suit you better.

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Great, thanks. I’m thinking it’s likely that it’s the lcd screen that has failed here. Do you know if there is anything else that might cause the display to fail?


Hi @griffoso ,

Try taking some pictures, (I realize that you can't "see" what you're taking) and download them to a computer.

This is to check that the problem is only with the LCD screen. (I assume that you cannot view any menu screens either?)

If the images are OK then most likely it is a LCD screen problem.

If there are only black images being shown on the computer, then perhaps there is a problem with the image sensor in the camera, the motherboard or both.

If this is the case (black images downloaded) has the camera been dropped or gotten wet at all?


Thanks for the info. Yes, I’m able to take pics using the auto setting, so it’s likely the lcd screen. I really appreciate the help.


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