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Repair guides and disassembly information for Lenovo's thin and light ThinkPad X1 Carbon business laptops.

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Where can I get LCD Replacent?

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Where can i get LCD Replacement for the laptop?

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Here’s a link that may help you.

Type ThinkPad X1 Carbon in the search box on the webpage in the link and then select your exact model variant from the dropdown box. Click on the LCD panel check box on the left side of the page that appears.

When the available panel list is displayed, find the appropriate panel type for your model and note the part number. You may be able to verify that you have the correct part number by looking on the back of the LCD panel in your laptop. You might find that the part number is stamped somewhere there.

Search online using the part number only in the search box of your browser, to get results for suppliers of the part

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This should be the right LCD assembly for your laptop.


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