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A laptop by Lenovo that can function as a tablet.

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Anyone know where the CMOS battery is in this laptop?

How do I get to the CMOS battery?

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Some of these modern laptops do not rely on CMOS batteries and use the internal primary and a capacitor in place, while others bury it or solder it to the board as Toshiba loves to do on some of their laptops.

If you don’t see it on the front, it’s on the back and could be socketed or soldered if it’s used. If you do not see one at all, the system is relying on a capacitor to keep the CMOS memory intact using the primary battery to maintain the CMOS RAM contents. Unless it's a budget Toshiba with a soldered cell...

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if you unscrew the back it should be in the middle on the bottom about where your tracker pad is.

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also i love your profile pic


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