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Model A1311 / Mid 2011 / 2.5 & 2.7 GHz Core i5 or 2.8 GHz Core i7 Processor

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iMac LED Diagnostic- logic board just replaced

iMac was dead- old logic board had no diagnostic LEDs. Apple store said needed new logic board a year ago (said they tried a new PS and no go).

Just put in a new logic board. LED#1 lights up, but power button does nothing. No sounds, no fans, no HDD. I did add a SSD as a secondary device.

There is another LED on right side that comes on/off when power button pressed (below DVD player).

Could it be the power supply? Anything else?

this is an iMac Intel 21.5” EMC 2428

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Thanks. I’ll try that. I’m also wondering if I burned something up. When I first powered on the new board, I got a distinct plastic- burning smell and unplugged it. I hadn’t put the LCD or RAM back on yet. Haven’t smelled it again in the 10 times I’ve plugged it back in to test though.

Well, I took everything apart again, looked at both sides of the logic board with a magnifying glass. Didn't see any 'burned' areas but I don't really know what to look for.


If it something that you did smell you most likely would see it as well :-) Could have been just the board firing up for the first time ;-)


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Well, it wasn’t the power supply!

Took everything apart and on one of the connecter I had bent a pin. Straightened it out, put everything back together and it started fine.

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since you’ve already replaced the logic board and now only get LED 1 it is absolutely conceivable that this is a PS issue. Get one from a place that has a good return policy and try it out.

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