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2.4GHz, 2.7GHz, or 2.8GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 processor (Turbo Boost up to 3.8GHz) with 6MB shared L3 cache. Released February 2013.

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Why is hard to click and drag trackpad not working

i hardly use my trackpad most times i use my Kensington Roller Ball mouse.

i tried to use the trackpad without the mouse connected and found the two finger click hold drag not working. all other gestures seem fine. Help!

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Likely having an issue with your battery which is pressing on the trackpad from below.

Lets check the battery using this gem of an app CoconutBattery post a snapshot of the main window so we can see Adding images to an existing question

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Another possible scenario, since you're able to use gestures but not able to press properly, is that there is debris around the edges of the trackpad. So, as Dan suggested, first test the battery. If it seems to be functioning fine, attempt to clean the trackpad with a little bit of isopropyl alcohol.


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