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Model A1181: 1.83, 2, 2.1, 2.13, 2.16, 2.2, or 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo processor

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MacBook 2006 Logicboard max upgrade?

Hello there,

I have the “Apple MacBook "Core 2 Duo" 2.16 13" - MB062LL/A - MacBook2,1 - A1181”

I think the max (and easiest) possible logicboard for me is to go for the :

“Apple MacBook "Core 2 Duo" 2.4 13" - MB403LL/A - MacBook4,1 - A1181”

From 2.16 to 2.4, it's not much but in the A1181 range, it's the best I think I can do.

As I'm also running Win10 it would help loading HD vids more smoothly.

Could you please confirm me this Logicboard will fit & work easily in my laptop ?

Thanks !

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Be careful with your upgrade as Apple made 3 different logic boards at least for the A1181 model. Shape is the same but the connectors on the logic board have different shapes and are not cross compatible. Take good note of logic board reference (reads something like 820-xxxx-x) and make sure you buy the right replacement..a 2008/2009 board for instance won’t fit at all.

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If your logic board is working I would look at first maxing out the RAM to 3.0 GB and then upgrading the drive to either a SSHD or SSD. The one thing you do need to be careful is making sure the drive you go with runs at SATA I (1.5 Gb/s). As an example:

  • Seagate FireCuda SSHD
  • Samsung 860 EVO SSD

Both of these drives support SATA I (1.5 Gb/s) make sure whatever drive you get lists it on the spec sheet like these. If it doesn’t its not able to work reliably in your system.

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Hi there,

Already put 2x2GB ram (only 3GB working on these models) and already put a 256 GB SSD.

But I would like to upgrade the processor now ;-)


Sadly, the improvement is so slight I really don't think its worth the effort on these Core 2 Duo's. Sounds like its time for a more powerful system with a newer i5 or i7 CPU. Look for a 2012 MacBook Pro if you can find one.


All right.... thanks for the quick and complete help guys!!!


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