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Device repair and information for the Vizio D-series 50" LED television with model number D50n-E1.

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tv turns off and then back on

why does my ty turn off and back on?

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Mary Rhodes does it turn completely off or is it just the screen that turns black.


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Unplug the TV from the power outlet, remove all video input sources. Hold the power button down for 30-60 seconds. Then plug the TV back in and connect only one video source. Best is a local source like a game console or DVD player. See if that resolved the issue. If not then the issue could be caused by either a faulty IR board or a bad motherboard (shortened power transistor etc.) If you are going to take a look at it you do want to go ahead and post some images of all of your board with your question. That way we can see what you see

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Mary Rhodes будет вечно благодарен.
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