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An SSD, or Solid State Drive, is a type of storage device that uses NAND-based flash memory to store data.

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Does anyone know what inductor this is?

I have tried to look for answers but i always came up with none

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Not enough info to even ID the part. Who's SSD Make & Model?

Take a second tighter picture of the area so we can see the markings. If the markings are not readable then its not likely we can offer a solution.

You may need to get a second SSD of the exact same model and size to steal the part from if you are trying to salvage the data thats on it. If not then its best to get a new drive and put this one in your desk drawer.

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Thank you for your answer. I was just curious if I can salavage the drive by repairing the inductor. Seems as if i need another ssd to scrap from


Is the markings readable?


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