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Why air only blowes out of defrost vents 2000 chrysler concord

why air only blows out of defrost vent on 2000 chrysler concord

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terriincontro  it’ll help if you could tell us what you have checked. Going by your 8 word description it is possible that this is a Mode Door Actuator issue. The mode door actuator is an electric motor. It mechanically positions the panel/bi-level door and the floor/defrost door. This actuator contains a potentiometer which allows the BCM (for both manual and ATC systems) to know the exact position of the mode doors at all times. The mode door actuator is not serviceable and must be replaced if found to be defective. Here is the HVAC part from the service manual to help you out further Chrysler-Concorde-HVAC.pdf

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terriincontro будет вечно благодарен.
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