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2.0GHz, 2.3GHz, or 2.6GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 processor (Turbo Boost up to 3.8GHz) with 6MB shared L3 cache.

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Is it possible to upgrade/transplant a newer logicboard into my laptop

I do a lot of music production on my laptop, and I foolishly bought it with 8gb of RAM thinking i could upgrade in the future. The RAM is soldered into my model. Is it possible to buy a newer logic board to just upgrade my system entirely?

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While you can swap out your logic board you are limited to what the series had for options:

Intergraded Graphics - MacBookPro11,2 This group came with 8 GB or 16 GB

Dedicated GPU - MacBookPro11,3 This group only comes with 16 GB

While harder you can install DG logic board into a IG system. You will need to switch out a few other parts to make it work though.

Given what you are trying to do here you likely need more RAM & storage than a more powerful CPU or GPU solution.

As you have a IG system consider just getting another IG logic board with 16 GB of RAM, I would also upgrade the SSD to something larger I would jump to a 1 or 2 TB blade SSD. Review this guide for more info The Ultimate Guide to Apple’s Proprietary SSDs. If you decide to stay with your current SSD get an external drive to hold your work. I would go with a Samsung T5 (USB3/USB-C) or go with Thunderbolt2 drive. You do want to limit your internal SSD (128/512 MB) for the OS & Apps leaving the rest of the drive free for the OS to use for Virtual RAM, paging and if your apps use scratch space that as well. This will dramatically increase your usage performance!

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Use the Transcend Storage Expansion card to expand storage:



Thank you SO MUCH, that's very helpful. I think I may end up going that route (IG logic board 16GB Ram/upgraded SSD. Question though, do you know any reliable sites where I could acquire the logic board? Also, just confirming I wouldn't need to swap out any other parts by going this route.


@mayer Ooooo. I've never seen this before. Also a good route!


@danj You're a gem! Does the logic board need to strictly be 2.0GHz to avoid issues? I found one that was 2.5GHz


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