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Samsung smartphone released in January 2016. Model SM-J320

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Why wont my screen work?(Black Screen of Death)

Hi, so on my J3 2016, I went to turn it on one day but it didn’t. I just assumed it was dead, so I plugged it in. When I plugged it in the phone vibrated, so I thought it was charging and left it there. Fast forward 3 hours later, I come and check on it, and it doesn’t power on. How can I fix this?

Thanks in advance!

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What causes you to believe this is the black screen of death? What steps have you taken to narrow this down? Your description doesn’t rule out a simple power, battery, or charging issue.

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I tried multiple chargers, took the battery out and plugged it in to see if it would turn on. Also, when I plug it in, it vibrates but nothing shows up.


Gotcha. You are right that it's taking a charge. I don't want to jump the gun, but out of curiosity, have you tried a hard reset using the hardware buttons?


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Hi @random_user_101

Generally if the phone works properly with nothing on the screen, it is a screen related issue. You can check the screen connection easily from the connector on the backside of the phone.

If you are still having screen problems, you may need a replacement screen assembly.

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