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{A1989 / EMC3214}—Released in July 2018, the 13" MacBook Pro features quad-core i5 and i7 processors and Intel Iris Plus integrated graphics.

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Is my display dead?

I was using my Macbook connected to a Dell P2219 monitor using usb-c hub and hdmi cable without closing the internal display(at lowest brightness). But the display turned to blue/purple and mostly black after I unplugged all the cables. It stays the same after few hours and only works normally for external monitor. I already tried to uninstall some possible applications, update the system(but still 10.14.6) and reset the NVRAM, didn’t work.


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The T-CON board over-heated killing it. This often happens when the back vents are blocked. The heat sink heat transfer fins are very close to the T-CON board as Apple moved it into the main case to thin down the display lid.

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The problem is you can’t replace the T-CON board its self you need to replace the entire display! If you still have AppleCare+ coverage I would let Apple fix this as that would be the cheapest repair. If its not covered here’s the part you’ll need:

We don’t have a guide for the 2018 model but the process is the same as the MacBook Pro 13" Touch Bar 2017 Screen Replacement.

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Dan, do you have any additional info on the heat failure theory for the T-CON? I have a display that failed -- backlight is DOA, but the video signal is still good enough to drive the machine with a flashlight up against the screen. I look forward to any ideas or data you might have. Thank you.


If you can see a faint image on the display you just have a backlight power issue within the main logic board, not a display/TCON issue


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