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Replaced battery and now it crashes!

I have been limping my late 2013 rMBP along for awhile with a bad battery. Recently, it started becoming unstable and crashing randomly. I thought that the battery had finally crossed the line so, I replaced it with the iFixit kit. Now it crashes within minutes and the apple diagnosis claims the battery needs repair. any ideas?


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Lets get some deeper diagnostics.

Restart your system and press the D key to enter into the onboard diagnostics. Did you get an error code?

If you can get the system to be stable long enough install this app CoconutBattery take two snapshots of the apps window one with the MagSafe charger plugged in and a second after disconnecting it after giving it a good 5 minutes. Post both here for us to see Adding images to an existing question

Reference: Mac startup key combinations

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uploaded CoconutBattery screenshots. The diagnostic lists PPT004


PPT004 - Battery requires service

Well, I think the battery its self is OK as you are getting the proper response under CoconutBattery.

I'm suspecting SMC voltage comparator logic on the logic board was damaged by a 3rd party charger. This will need someone with expertise to fix your logic board.

In the mean time you'll need to get a real Apple charger to replace yours which is bad OEM MagSafe Chargers vs Cheap Imposters: Teardown for Truth & What does a knockoff charger do to a Macbook Pro? Why should you not use one?


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Okay so maybe see if the battery is correct or in the right way and it might be wet or damaged maybe that might

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it was crashing before the battery was replaced, but now it crashes more quickly. the battery is not damaged that I can tell.


Maybe it is a wire in the laptop that is broke or out of place or the screen brightness is all the way so if you know we're that is that might work if it turns on


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